Sunday 1 September 2013

Sh. B. P. Singh appointed LOC for Advance Course and Staff for Basic Course

The Basic Course for KVS Jammu Region
was conducted at K V No.1, Pathankot

Photographs Courtesy: 
Sh. Ramesh Kumar Training Staff from KVS Sirsa Region;
Sh. Sanjay Nagar and Sh. Jang S. Verman, 
Staff from KVS Jammu Region

Sh. B P Singh, KVS Jaipur Region 
attended the Course as Training Staff

With Sh. A S Gill, Assistant Commissioner, KVS Jammu Region and other Trainers

Chairman, Principal and othe Guests during Grand Camp Fire

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Sh. B.P.Singh attended Advance Course for Scout Masters conducted by KVS, Jammu Region at K V Nangal Bhur (Pb.)

With the Participants during Advance Course for SMs

Sh. AVLJ Rao, Deputy Commissioner, KVS Jammu Region, inspecting the Display during his Visit to Advanced Course 
at KV Nangal Bhur (Punjab)

A Group Photographs with 
Course Director & Distt. Chief commissioner Sh. Ashok Kumar
Participants of Advance Course

A Group Photographs with 
Course Director & DCC Sh. Ashok Kumar
Staff of Advance Courses for Scout Masters and Guide Captains

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