Thursday 29 August 2013

Training in Different fields was imparted during Regional Basic and Advanced Courses for SMs-GCs conducted by KVS, Jaipur Region

Scenes of Morning Assembly

A Demonstration of How to Conduct a Court of Honour (COH)

Theory Classes were also conducted 

Practical Estimation Session in Progress

Computer Aided Processing of Reports and other Documents by the LOCs andTraining Staff with the help of Computer Trainer of KV No.1, Ajmer

Duty Change Practice was undertaken

Walls of the Vidyalaya were decorated with 
beautiful and informative Pictures depicting Stories 
of Activities in Practice in the Vidyalaya

Excursion - A Tool of Observation and Study
At Dargah

At the Entry of Pushkar Temple
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First Aid Skills in Progress


Rope Work and Pioneer Work in Practice

The Participants were given Awareness about the 
KVS Jaipur Reion's BLOG on BS&G Activities

Grand Camp was organized where 
Sh. V P Sharma Course Director was the Chief Guest

Participants presented Cultural Items

Trainers also presented Cultural items

The Programme was witnessed with great Curiosity

The Chief Guest blessed the Participants

Sh. B P Singh Coordinator extended Vote of Thanks
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Scout Masters and Guide Captains participated in the Independence Day Celebrations 

The Chief guest was received by the venue Principal

Students of K V No.1, Ajmer presenting Cultural Items 

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On the day of Grand Camp Fire local Dishes were served
in a Traditional Manner 

On the Last Day of the Courses
an All Faith Prayer was organized

Closing Ceremony was conducted
on the Last Day of the Courses

Participants expressed their Views

Cultural Items were presented by the students of the Vidyalaya

The Officials were honoured on this occasion

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