Saturday 10 August 2013

Basic and Advanced Courses for SMs and GCs of KVS Jaipur Region-2013

Basic and Advance Courses 
for Scout-Masters and Guide Captains of KVS Jaipur Region 
were conducted at
K V No.1, Ajmer (Rajsthan)
( August10-16.08.2013)

Photographs contributed by 
Sh. Jang S. Verman, Assisting staff from KVS, Jammu Region
Sh. Dinesh, Staff K V No.1, Ajmer and 
Sh. S.A. Aleem, Assisting Staff from KVS, Guawhati Region

Chief Guest Sh. J. M. Rawat Deputy Commissioner 
KVS, Jaipur Region was received by 

Principal, Staff and Students of the Vidyalaya

Bulbuls welcoming the Chief Guest in their own Style

The Chief Guest met with the Training Staff

Sh. J M Rawat garlanding the gogess Saraswati

Chief guest lighting the Ceremonial Lamp

Venue Principal Sh. V P Sharma lighting the lamp

Sh. R. C. Sharma, Principal, K V No2, Ajmer
joined the Chief Guest in lighting the lamp

Venue Principal presented Bouquet to the Chiref Guest

The Chief Guest and others were decorated with the Scarf

LOCs and Trainers were also decorated wby presenting Scarfs

Vidyalaya Children presented Cultural items on this occasion

Sh. B. P. Singh, Regional Coordinator, read out the Camp Report

Sh. V. P. Sharma speaking on this occasion

Vidyalay Patrika of K V No.1, Ajmer was released by 
Sh. J. M. Rawat, Deputy Commissioner, KVS, Jaipur Region

Chief Guest Sh. J. M. Rawat
blessing the participants of Basic and Advance Courses 
at K V No.1, Ajmer

* * *


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