Saturday 10 August 2013

Message by the Deputy Commissioner, KVS, Jaipur Region about the BLOG


It gives me immense pleasure to know that Sh. B.P.Singh, L.T(S)/ASOC(S), of KVS, Jaipur Region has offered his services to start BLOG to reflect various activities of BS&G in the Region, and promote the sharing of the information related to these activities through E- communication facilities like Website & BLOG etc.
Important letters, Minutes of Meeting of the BS&G Divisional Association, various programmes and other related information can be accessed to, on this BLOG. This will certainly benefit the Scouters & Guiders to share the data as well as update related to their contribution in the field of Socuting & Guiding.
I congratulate all the concerned members who have taken initiative for  this Project and the contributors who have added to the present information or will contribute to this BLOG in future, to do the needful for  the betterment of BS&G in general and highlighting the activities of BS&G of Jaipur Region in particular .
                                                                           (J. M. Rawat )
                                                                           Deputy Commissioner
                                                                           KVS,  Jaipur Region.
                                                                           Divisional Commissioner (BS&G)

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