Tuesday 20 August 2013

HEALTH - Some Yoga Postures and other Tips

Tackling Tension Headaches :-

Tension headache, usually develops in the afternoon, causing mild or moderate pain that may feel like dull tightness or a band of pressure. Tension headaches occur when neck, shoulder, and scalp muscles become tense. 

If you have headaches more often than once or twice a week try this

1. Don’t skip meals, get enough sleep, and pace yourself to avoid stress and fatigue.

2. Physical and relaxation therapies can help stave off tension headaches, so long as you practice these techniques regularly. These include applying a heating pad to your neck and shoulders to relax the muscles. Exercising these muscles also helps, by strengthening and stretching them. Relaxation exercises that focus your attention on various parts of your body in order to relax and release tension and stress can also help.

3. Biofeedback relaxation technique requires special training but can help people avoid recurrent tension headaches. You learn to recognize when you are becoming tense and then find ways to relax the muscles before they tighten so much you develop a tension headache.

4. Some people with tension headaches have very sensitive areas, known as trigger points, at the back of the neck or in the shoulders. Injecting a local anesthetic into these areas may eliminate the pain and prevent the headache from occurring again.

Mosquito Facts

Dr K K Aggarwal

Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya and Filaria are mosquito borne diseases and are totally preventable. Here are a few tips:

1. Malaria is transmitted via the bite of a female Anopheles spp mosquito, which occurs mainly between dusk and dawn. Other comparatively rare mechanisms for transmission include: congenitally-acquired disease, blood transfusion, sharing of contaminated needles, and organ transplantation.

2. Dengue mosquito ( aedes) bites in the day time.

3. Dengue mosquito takes up to three meals in a day while malaria mosquito takes one meal in three days. Malaria may infect only one person in the family but dengue will invariably infect multiple members in the family in the same day.

4. Insecticide spraying, in response to dengue outbreaks, is not highly effective against Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which frequently breed inside houses in fresh collected water.

5. Community-based approaches involving education of the population in efforts to reduce breeding sites, such as discarded tires and other containers that accumulate standing water, have shown some promise

6. Comprehensive community and governmental control strategy, including the seeding of water vessels with copepods that feed on mosquito larvae, is successful in eliminating A. aegypti and dengue transmission.

7. Malaria fever often presents with chills and rigors. If the fever presents with joint and muscle pains, one should suspect chikungunya.

8. One should not allow accumulation of water inside the house for more than a week. Mosquito cycle takes 7-12 days to complete and if any water collected utensils is rub cleaned properly once in a week, there are no chances of mosquito breeding.

9. In house collection can occur in money plant utensils; uncovered water tanks on the terrace; bird drinking pots; broken tyres, broken glasses, water coolers or any container where water can stay for seven days.

10. Using mosquito nets/repellents in the night may not prevent dengue the mosquito bites in day time. Wearing full sleeves shirt and trousers can prevent biting of the body.

11. Both malaria and dengue mosquito do not produce noise. Therefore, mosquitoes which produce noise do not cause diseases.

12. If you suspect that you are having fever which can be due to malaria and dengue, immediately report to the doctor.

13. There are no vaccines for malaria and dengue.

Medical vrat & Fasting.

Medical vrat

Dr K K Aggarwal

Ever since people have stopped observing weekly fasts, the incidence on high blood pressure, diabetes and heart attack has increased.
Scientifically, it is now known that eating carbohydrates everyday increases the chances of heart attack.

Here are the ways we can observe weekly medical vrata:

1. Choose a fixed day in a week to observe fast. Eat only once that day ( light meal). Rest of the day one can have water, jiggery water, mint water etc.

2. If one cannot fast, then rest of the time one can have fruits and fruit juices.

3. Single vrata meals can be lunch or dinner and it should not contain carbohydrates or wheat cereals.,

4. Wheat cereals can be replaced by Besan ki roti or Samak Rice (fruit), singhare ki roti (fruit), kuttu ki roti (fruit) or sabu dana.

5. On the day of fast, one should not take any item in vanaspati ghee.

6. If this fast falls on Ekadashi, one should restrict the intake of liquid to prevent water retention on the day of full moon.

7. The fast should also be observed along with other sensual fast i.e. one should live a satvik lifestyle on that day.

8. Anything which pleasures the senses should be avoided like aromas, erotic smell, reading and watching aggressive and tamsik literature or movies on the day of fast.

9. One should observe non-violence on the day of fast and this non-violence should be in action, speech and thought. On this day, one should not gossip, criticize, condemn or complaint about others and should not indulge in judgments unless they are a must. A classical example is, if someone abuses you on that day, you should say “kal dekhunga”

10. Sexual vrata is also a part and parcel of traditional medical vrata.

11. On the day of vrata, one should reduce the intake of his blood pressure and diabetes medicines. The insulin requirement may also reduce by 40% on the day of fast.

12. One should as far as possible read spiritual scriptures on the day of fast and avoid company of bad people.

Posted by Dr BADRUL ISLAM 

1 comment:

  1. I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article. I am hoping the same best work from you in the future as well.. Yoga, Health and Personal Care
