Sunday 11 August 2013

Message by Sh. V. P. Sharma, Principal, KV No.1, Ajmer


It is a proud moment for me and gives me immense pleasure to know that a BLOG to reflect various activities of BS&G in the Region will be initiated here. (during the Basic and Advanced Courses for Scouters & Guiders) for which Sh. B. P. Singh, L.T (S)/ ASOC (S), KVS,  Jaipur Region and Sh. Jang S. Verman, Chief Coordinator, BLOG on BS&G Activities of KVS, Jammu Region, have offered their services to develop the BLOG and are optimistic for better sharing with others through E- communication.
The present world is a world of fast communication and sharing information in quickest way. Under such circumstances, it is appropriate step to try one’s hand on BLOG to reflect and share with the masses, the activities and programs undertaken by the Region and its Scouters & Guiders. 
I congratulate all the members concerned for developing this blog. I am very much hopeful that this BLOG will be useful tool in the hands of the users.      
With the Best Wishes,                                                                                                                                            

(V.P. SHARMA)                                                                      
K V No.1, Ajmer 
Dated: 10.08-2013                                                                                           

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