Sunday 11 August 2013

Message by Sh. Jang S. Verman, Chief Coordinator, BLOG of BS&G Activities of KVS, Jammu Regtion


Sh. B. P. Singh’s idea that Sh. J M Rawat, Deputy Commissioner, KVS, Jaipur Region, wishes to have a BLOG reflecting the BS&G Activities of KVS Jaipur Region and related information motivated me to adopt the Project to work with Sh. B. P Singh to develop a BLOG for KVS, Jaipur. we worked together and the present shape of BLOG is ready for your ready use. I am happy to work with him and convey my best wishes to the Scouters &  Guiders of the Region to go one step ahead towards sharing information instantly through e- communication.
I would further appeal to all, to visit and share our BLOG @ You may also send related material/ share with our Coordinators for the BLOG as per the details given below:

Your contributions will be duly acknowledged with due respect.

Chief Coordinator
BLOG for BS&G Activities
KVS, Jammu Region    _____________________________________________________________________
This is my firm belief : The more we share, more we prosper.
*Associated with Art, Educational, Literary and Scouting & Guiding Activities. =Honours & Awards: • All India Fine Arts & Crafts Society(AIFACS),New Delhi, 1978;Punjab Lalit Kala Akademi’s State Exhibition,Chandigarh, 1980-81;Punjab Lalit Kala Akademi’s Regional Art Exhibition, 1990-91;HP State Museum All India Art Exhibition, Shimla (H.P.), 1992; • Awarded by Centre for Cultural Resources & Training (CCRT), New Delhi, (1988); • KVS Incentive Award for Teachers (National Level) awarded by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, New Delhi (2011) through Sh. Kapil Sibal, Minister for Human Resources and Development/ Tele- Communications, Govt. of India; • Merit Certificate , First Art Fair, Chandigarh, 1977. • Honoured through Sh. Mangat Ram Sharma, Deputy Chief Minister, J & K State at Kala Kendra during Prints Workshop, (2006); • Honoured through Sh. Raman Bhalla, Minister for Revenue, Relief & Rehabilitation, J & K Govt. during Painters’ Camp by J & K Academy of Art, Culture & Languages, Jammu, (2010); • Felicitated by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Jammu Region, 2011, through Dr. Pawan Kotwal, Divisional Commissioner. Has been Paper setter, Examiner (Theory and Practicals), Judge for four Universities. Biography included in five international Publications like- Asia Who’s Who; Indo- American Who’s Who; Distuinguished Achievers of  Twentieth Century etc. Documentary on the Life & Work telecast four times on Kashir- DD Natipnal Network during-2011. Have been member of various Societies, Bodies, NGOs working in the field of Art & Culture. On Editorial Board of six Publications of KVS and others. Regional Coordinator for Activities of BS&G, KVS Jammu Region; Chief Coordinator, Blog on BS&G Activities of KVS Jammu Region etc. …..
* Interests: Art, Philosophy, Psychology, Face Reading, Body Language, Palmistry, Naturopathy, Accu-Pressure, Homeopathy, German Medicine System, Meditation and Concentration, Telepathy, Clairvoyance,  Magic, Pswycho-Graphology, Listening to Music etc.

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